Hijab Tutorial Pashmina Simple and Graceful For Party

12:58 AM
Hijab Pashmina - Assalamualaikum, The party is a special moment for the people who hold it. Shown with a pretty and attractive while attending a party sebuahh thing we need to do, but to appreciate the person who invited us of course this is done solely for ourselves. In a great show and the special course, we are confronted by a lot of people, well, if at the time we pulled appearance then of course we will be one of the centers of attention from them, if this happens then it is likely that this is very encouraging.

To be able to perform with beautiful and attractive while attending a party of course you should not forget the things that can support the appearance, such as clothing, makeup and hairdo or hijab for those who wear the hijab. Well, even though you are a user hijab does not mean you can not look beautiful when attending a party. Although you can not display the beauty of your hair, but you can create the beauty of the hijab which you apply. If to make hair more beautiful is to be laid out, then to make the hijab looks beautiful thing you need to do is apply it attractive model.

Nowadays a lot of women out there who just feel confused when they wanted to apply the hijab, this situation is usually because they lack much knowledge of models of hijab. However, it is not really an excuse because now you can find beautiful models in the internet hijab. Models hijab provided was so large and varied that can be used as reference material for you.

Well as in this time, we have a model here bisikan.com team hijab that perhaps you can apply when they wanted to come to the party. Model hijab at all times is very simple, but nonetheless you will still look elegant. Curious as to what to do? If curious let's see the ingredients needed and the tutorial below.

Hijab Pashmina

Materials Required
  • 1 piece hijab Morocco
  • 1 piece hijab pashmina
  • Some fruits pin

Hijab Tutorial Pashmina Simple and Graceful For Party

  1. The first step you should do is, first wearing hijab Morocco that you have prepared. It is intended that your hair does not come out and you are wearing hijab would be more orderly. Next, apply hijab pashimna on your head with a hijab part left is shorter than the hijab part right.
  2. After that, paste hijab using the pin right on your neck.
  3. Then, take the left corner on the right of the hijab, then drag it to the top left corner and keep the veil over the head, using a pin paste.
  4. If so, take back corner on the hijab left remaining on the bottom, then pull up and store it in a position where the head piled with the first part hijab, After the glue by using a pin. The final step, trim veil that is inherent in your head is.
That tutorial hijab simple and attractive for the party. The hijab models is perfect paired with a bandage long dress slightly glamorous or fancy, the article of the model is very simple veil. If you want to look more beautiful then you can add a few accessories on hijab applied. Good luck. Wassalamualaikum ..

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May 2, 2015 at 4:10 AM delete

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